Web Appendix

Web Appendix

Examples of the Highly Varied Learning Activities I Use in Class
in an Effort to be Harmlessly Unpredictable

the related lecture component

the related lecture component

the related lecture component

Example 1
Brief Case Discussion
Setting prices

  Example 4
Whole-class Collaboration in Real Time Using Google Docs
Writing questionnaire items

  Example 7
Vivid Example: Cautionary Tale
Heterogeneity in consumer needs

Example 2
Extended Metaphor
Choosing a sample size

  Example 5
Extradiegetic Interruption
Anticipating competitive responses

  Example 8
Inoculating with Weak Counter-arguments
Avoiding escalation of commitment in NPD

Example 3
Deliberate Blind Alley
Limitations of a product focus

  Example 6
In-class Replication of Classic Findings
Accuracy/effort trade-off in choice

  Example 9
Case with Constrained-choice Exercises
The elements of perceived risk