Web Appendix

Example 4
Whole-class Collaboration in Real Time Using Google Docs

Learning Purpose: Learn to write well-worded questionnaire items.

For this learning activity, I use Google Docs because it has the amazing ability to allow many people to simultaneously edit a single document. Before class, I use Google Docs to create a new word-processing document, and I change the sharing rights to "Anyone with the link -- Anyone who has the link can access. No sign-in required." Then I post the link onto the class website for my students.

During class, I ask students to open their laptops and access the Google Docs document. I also access the document to display it on the projection screen in the front of the class. Anyone in class can now edit the document, with all the changes being immediately shown on the screen.

For this learning activity, I present students with a questionnaire item that is poorly worded (e.g., a double-barreled item). I explain the problem with the item, and then I ask students to re-write it to fix the problem. When students are finished, we review the items they have written. In discussion with the class, I typically create a "Frankenstein" of the different versions to yield one excellent outcome. We then move on to another example (e.g., leading items).