About me

My name is Eric DeRosia, and I am an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University. My CV can be found here.

In 2003, I received my Ph.D. from the University of Michigan Business School, which has more recently been renamed the Ross School of Business.  From 1993 to 1997, I was a practicing market researcher for Opinion Research Corporation and Fairfax Research.  Most of my professional experience has been ad hoc research in the automobile industry, with an emphasis on consumer responses to new product designs.

My teaching interests are marketing research, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, and marketing management. I have taught MBA and undergraduate students.

My research interests are (1) the consumer psychology aspects of trademark law, (2) the decisions that managers and entrepreneurs make regarding new product development, and (3) the responses of consumers to advertising.

The best part of my life is my family. My wife and I have four children. Three of them are married, and we have four (soon to be five!) grandchildren. Being a grandfather is a great gig. I highly recommend it. People often tell me — certainly in an attempt to be charitable — that I’m too young to be a grandfather. I always tell them that’s because my wife and I got married when we were four years old. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

My hobbies are playing the bass guitar and creating computer imagery with 3D modeling.