Searching through Strings in Stata

In Stata, I needed to search some string values. I couldn’t use regular expressions because the strings I’m working with happen to contain regexp control characters. The following Stata code accomplishes the task without regular expressions:

Simple case:  using the following code, a string can be searched

if strpos("the full string to be searched","string") > 0 {
    * this will fire
    display "Yes, the search string appeared somewhere in the full string."
if strpos("the full string to be searched","not there") > 0 {
    * this will not fire
    display "Yes, the search string appeared somewhere in the full string."

More complicated case: using the following code, a string can be searched to see if it contains *any* of the characters in a search string.

local string_to_search = "The full string to be searched"
local search_string = "wxyz"

local search_successes = 0
local len_search_string = length("`search_string'")
forvalues i = 1(1)`len_search_string' {
    local char_from_search_string = substr("`search_string'",`i',1)
    if strpos("`string_to_search'","`char_from_search_string'") > 0 {
        local search_successes = `search_successes' + 1
if `search_successes' > 0 {
    display "Yes, one of the characters in ..."
    display "`search_string'"
    display "... appears somewhere in ..."
    display "`string_to_search'"
else {
    display "No, none of the characters in ..."
    display "`search_string'"
    display "... appear anywhere in ..."
    display "`string_to_search'"

– Eric DeRosia