Some Advanced Westlaw search formats

Westlaw is a powerful tool for searching case law, the scholarly legal literature (“secondary sources”), and more. The basic search tools provided by Westlaw are reasonably good. But, as described below, the tools can be combined together to yield more advanced searches.

  • This search will find cases in which the words “trademark,” “secondary,” and “survey” are used within 10 words of one another:
    trademark /10 (secondary /10 survey)
    Of course, “/10” can be replaced with “/s” for searching within the same sentence and “/p” for searching within the same paragraph.
  • I use this search to find trademark infringement cases that involve an Eveready survey format. The search is a little tricky because the courts refer to Eveready in a variety of ways:
    trademark & (infring! OR confus!) & survey & ("eveready" OR "ever ready" OR "ever-ready" OR "everready")

– Eric DeRosia