The embedded data setup that I always use with Qualtrics

When I do a Qualtrics q’re, this is the embedded data setup I always use. This setup …

  • imports the participant’s country (as inferred from the IP address)
  • writes the start date and time in a format that’s easier to deal with than the default format
  • creates a variable in the data called “on_mobile” that records “Yes” if the participant is using a mobile device (as inferred by Qualtrics)
  • writes the MTurk Worker ID. This one is unique to my setup, but everything else here will work for anyone.

Continue reading “The embedded data setup that I always use with Qualtrics”

Qualtrics elapsed time calculation

After exporting from Qualtrics using the “Legacy Format” and importing the CSV into Excel, this Excel formula placed to the immediate right of the “EndDate” will calculate the elapsed time for the q’re:


– Eric DeRosia

Privacy policy for participants in research studies

I conduct academic research as an Associate Professor at the Marriott School of Business, Brigham Young University. I also conduct professional consulting research as the principal consultant and owner of DeRosia Consulting.

For both my academic research and my consulting research, I keep all information about the participants in my studies strictly confidential in accordance with the code of marketing research conduct for the Insights Association (formerly the Marketing Research Association). Continue reading “Privacy policy for participants in research studies”