VBA code for removing all custom animations from a PowerPoint presentation

When I post my PowerPoint slides on my website for my students, I sometimes remove the animations. Animations are nice for controlling when things appear on the screen during the discussion. (Does anyone remember the old technique of covering part of the overhead slide with paper?) However, my purpose in releasing my PowerPoint slides is to give students a record of what we cover in the class discussion, so animations only get in the way for students.

To make it easier for me to create a student version of the slides, I use the following VBA code to delete all the custom PowerPoint animations in a file. Continue reading “VBA code for removing all custom animations from a PowerPoint presentation”

Facebook Display Ads — Active Learning Exercise

For my “new media marketing” class, I created an active learning exercise with the goal of giving my students a better understanding of how to create, target, and bid for Facebook display ads.  During class, I demonstrated how to create a Facebook display ad, including the required image size, the difference between CPC and CPM bids, and so on.  Then I introduced the active learning exercise.   Continue reading “Facebook Display Ads — Active Learning Exercise”

Why Do I Teach?

For me, the most rewarding aspect of teaching marketing is interacting with students.  It is a genuine thrill to watch a student experience a sudden flash of understanding, such as when he or she has a furrowed brow while struggling with a difficult concept and suddenly changes to a nodding smile.  Similarly, it is a delight to watch a student successfully apply marketing theories to a new managerial problem, thereby demonstrating not only an accurate understanding of the theory but also an ability to apply it to novel circumstances.  In essence, because I believe marketing principles are important and valuable, it is very gratifying to watch students understand marketing principles and recognize their importance and value.

– Eric DeRosia