The CSS I add to a new Qualtrics survey

To my eye, the “page width” used by Qualtrics with most of their themes is too narrow. Even on a small-screen laptop, it leaves a lot of side margin.  The issue isn’t merely aesthetic; a wider screen gives me a little more room for wider labels above closed-ended response options.

I use the following CSS code to give a little more width to the space Qualtrics uses for survey questions. This code is added in Qualtrics “Look & Feel,” under “Style.”

.Skin .SkinInner {
     width: 100%;
     max-width: 1000px;
     margin: auto;

Please note: I typically exclude mobile users from my surveys because I’m usually using visual stimuli that require a full-size screen, so I haven’t tested what this code will do to survey participants using a mobile device.

  – Eric DeRosia